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About Me



I'm Ashley.


I am a besotted Mother and Wife, recovering Perfectionist, avid Audio book listener, keen cook, Nature lover and eternal student of all things Spiritual.


I feel honored to finally be able to blend my Spiritual life, as that is all that I have ever known for my entire life, with my diverse professional life​. 


To use all of the experiences, theory, coaching models and professional qualifications I have gained in consultancy and teaching, as the framework to weave this simple Spiritual philosophy around. 


Spirit once described this blending, as a beautiful rose which can withstand any storm, grow and blossom, once it is supported by a strong frame, and nourished by deep, unshakable roots. I like that.


For such a long time I felt like I was being split in half, that my sensitivity and Spirituality had no place in my 9-5 "real world".

 I raced along thinking that I was doing a great job compartmentalising my life, giving my Spirituality just enough time and space to survive.


All the while pushing down the feelings of frustration and guilt that I wasn't doing more to connect with myself and the Spirit World. 


I felt like the two halves of my life could never exist in the same space.


I gave myself reasons (or excuses) why I couldn't mentally switch off my thoughts for long enough to meditate. Or I just couldn't carve out enough time in my busy life to connect to Spirit.

I told myself that when I found the "right" circle, had the "right" meditation room at home, had less stress in my life, that I would allow my Spirit work more space to breathe.


Unfortunately I ran out of excuses at the exact same time that I ran into one of those brick walls that the Universe likes to throw into the mix.


I remember thinking how I could I ever live within my Spiritual philosophy now? 

... In the same heartbeat I had the clearest, loudest conversation with my soul that this was exactly the time.


That if I only surrendered to who I was at this moment, that I was within touching distance of learning who I was becoming and how to tap into that Power for myself.


What followed can only be described as Igniting the Spiritual fire inside me.


Where ever you are on the trajectory of your Spiritual awakening, I look forward to hearing your story and helping you to connect to your own power and Spiritual connection. 





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