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11 Ways to thrive during your Spiritual Awakening

Writer's picture: Rev'd Ashley Oliver - Rev'd Ashley Oliver -

If you too are on this roller coaster ride that is Spiritual Development, then there will be days that you feel that you are loosing your mind.

You become irritated beyond measure with the smallest of details, frustrated and over emotional, alternating between weeping with love for your family and the need to run off and live in the woods.

The unfortunate thing about this process, is that it does tend to land at the same time as other major life shifts.

It can be a challenge to unpick what is actually happening, when it can feel like everything is changing around you.

I have always felt that this is a chicken-and-egg scenario.

Did I cause this situation to come to a head because I have a new Spiritual perspective, and I am not prepared to hold onto these circumstances?

Or, Did the upheaval in my circumstances force me to shift and adapt?

However you are experiencing these energy changes, they can be unsettling (and even more so for the bewildered people around you) and you must find new ways to regain some stability.

These are the absolute tried and tested ways that I use to flow with the energetic shifts taking place within me and around me.


This is your body's reset mode

Improve your diet

As your vibration is changing, you are becoming more discerning about how you are fueling your body


Some simple "grounding" visualisation exercises will help to stay connected and grounded in the "here and now"

Get outside

Try to get outside in nature as much as you can, whenever you can

Ordered Spaces

Simple, uncluttered environments around you will put less "stress" on your energy

Alone time

If you are yearning to be by yourself, do it. It is important to take time to listen to your own inner thoughts and do what brings you peace.


Meditation and siting in the power are so important to learn to quieten the internal chatter of the mind, and to listen to our higher self

Media Detox

Be mindful of the images and messages that you are feeding your subconscious, try a total media detox

Be Thankful

Saying "thank you" for all of the small signs, synchronicity and wonderful spiritual insights that you experience, will bring more happenings into your life and will force you to take time to appreciate

Get Writing

Start a journal, record any interesting spiritual thoughts or phrases, note down any significant dreams, or write "letters" to yourself. Reflect on what you are experiencing, learning and feeling

Find a Circle of Seekers

Spirit once told me that "Each Sitter in a circle are like jewels in a necklace. Each is selected for the unique light and characteristics that they bring to the whole"

Find your people. Find a circle leader that you trust and who can help you learn about your Spiritual unfoldment. Find Your place to learn and share with other Seekers who are on a similar journey of development.

I wish you every wonderful experience on your journey of Spiritual discovery.


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